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Postdoc Transition Policy

vor 2 Monaten

Nuernberg, Deutschland Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Vollzeit

**Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst u. a.**:
The work will focus on analysis of socio-technical transitions, especially within the energy field and other climate-relevant areas, focusing on the role of policy in both successful and failed transitions and on policy feedback. This work aims to provide new empirical insight for prospective policy analysis, viewing the energy transition as a systemic, socio-technical transition and not merely a process of incremental change, and to support further analysis, also with energy models, by providing empirical basis of how transitions have worked in the past. This work thus seeks to support science-based recommendations for policy instrument mixes to achieve the transition to a fully renewable, carbon-neutral energy future.
Part of the work will be in the DFG-funded project NFDI4Energy. In this project, the FAU-STP team will seek ways to depict transition processes and policies in energy models. For this, we will gather, analyse and publish data based on empirical analysis of policies in collaboration both with FAU-internal partners and external partners within the NFDI4Energy project, and through interaction with external stakeholders.
Part of the work will be in the DFG-funded project NFDI4Energy. In this project, the FAU-STP team will seek ways to depict transition processes and policies in energy models. For this, we will gather, analyse and publish data based on empirical analysis of policies in collaboration both with FAU-internal partners and external partners within the NFDI4Energy project, and through interaction with external stakeholders.

**Notwendige Qualifikation**:
Necessary qualifications
- Strong publication record in international, peer-reviewed journals
- Deep knowledge of energy and climate policy, particularly European energy/climate policy
- Excellent English skills
- Openness for interdisciplinary collaboration

**Wünschenswerte Qualifikation**:
Beneficial qualifications
- Experience with policy analysis
- Further language skills, including German and other European languages
- Experience with proposal writing and grant management
- Substantial teaching experience

Further information


- Beabsichtigte Eingruppierung je nach Qualifikation und persönlichen Voraussetzungen:

- Die Stelle ist befristet.
- Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle.
- Sonstiges:

- Voraussichtlicher Einstellungstermin: 01.09.2023.

**Die Bewerbungsfrist endet zum: 23.7.2023.**:
**Für Auskünfte steht Ihnen zur Verfügung**:
Prof. Dr. Lilliestam, Johan
Fachbereich Wirtschafts
- und Sozialwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Sustainability Transition Policy

**Die Bewerbungen sind zu richten an**:
Prof. Dr. Lilliestam, Johan
Fachbereich Wirtschafts
- und Sozialwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Sustainability Transition Policy
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg

**Hinweise für Bewerber/-innen**

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- **Ihren Lebenslauf**
- ** Sämtliche Schulabschluß-, Ausbildungs
- und Arbeitszeugnisse**

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