Auszubildende/r Industriekaufmann/Industriekauffrau

vor 4 Monaten

Teltow, Deutschland Microchip Technology Vollzeit

Are you looking for a unique opportunity to be a part of something great? Want to join a 20,000-member team that works on the technology that powers the world around us? Looking for an atmosphere of trust, empowerment, respect, diversity, and communication? How about an opportunity to own a piece of a multi-billion dollar (with a B) global organization? We offer all that and more at Microchip Technology, Inc.

People come to work at Microchip because we help design the technology that runs the world. They stay because our culture supports their growth and stability. They are challenged and driven by an incredible array of products and solutions with unlimited career potential. Microchip’s nationally-recognized Leadership Passage Programs support career growth where we proudly enroll over a thousand people annually. We take pride in our commitment to employee development, values-based decision making, and strong sense of community, driven by our ; we affectionately refer to it as the and it’s won us countless awards for diversity and workplace excellence.

Our company is built by dedicated team players who love to challenge the status quo; we did not achieve record revenue and over without a great team dedicated to empowering innovation. People like you.

Visit our page to see what exciting opportunities and company await

Job Description:

Was ist das Interessante an dieser Gelegenheit?

Du durchläufst eine 3-jährige Ausbildung und erwirbst umfangreiche Kenntnisse über die Verwaltungsabläufe in verschiedenen Abteilungen. Am Ende der Ausbildung schließen Sie die Berufsausbildung mit einer Prüfung ab.

Weitere Details zum Programm:

Unternehmensstruktur und Organisation Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz Schutz der Umwelt Planen und Organisieren der Arbeit, Bewerten von Arbeitsergebnissen. Dokumentation der Arbeit, Datenschutz Finanz- und Rechnungswesen Personalwesen Einkauf & Beschaffung (inkl. Wareneingang) Versand Planung Qualitätsmanagement Marketing und Produktmanagement


What’s interesting about this opportunity?

You will go through the apprenticeship program for 3 years and gain a great knowledge of Administrative processes in various departments. At the end of the program you will complete the vocational training with an exam.

More program details:

Company structure and organization Health and safety at work Environmental protection Planning and organizing of the work, evaluation of work results. Documentation of work, data protection Financial and Accounting Human Resource Purchase & Procurement (incl. Receiving) Shipping Planning Quality Management Marketing & Product Management



Abgeschlossene Schulbildung, Klasse 10 oder 12/Abitur bevorzugt Gute Ergebnisse in Physik und Mathematik


Interesse an technischen Prozessen Deutsche Sprachkenntnisse erforderlich; englische Sprachkenntnisse wünschenswert


Completed school education, class 10 or 12/Abitur preferred Good results in Mathematics, German & English Language


Interest in Logistic, Administrative and Financial processes German language skills required, English language skills desirable

Travel Time:

No Travel

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