Master/bachelor Thesis or Compulsory Internship:
Vor 7 Tagen
The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and funded by federal and state government. AWI focuses on polar and marine research in a variety of disciplines such as biology, oceanography, geology, geochemistry and geophysics thus allowing multidisciplinary approaches to scientific goals.
- Master/Bachelor Thesis or Compulsory Internship: Marine Aquaculture (Ocean Food Systems)
Sustainable aquaculture technology requires integrated system innovation that involves interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary expertise and the integration of scientific and technical innovation, modern policy and economic instruments, and the mitigation of social and environmental constraints. Coastal ecosystems worldwide are under pressure due to increasing anthropogenic impacts and changing societal realities. As traditional users of coastal and marine ecosystems, Ocean Food Systems will need to adapt to meet global food demands sustainably. The study is part of the “Future-proofing sustainable Ocean Food Systems in the Anthropocene” (FRONTIER) project, which involves analysis of current seaweed farming technologies and practices centered on Germany’s North Sea coast and developing sustainable use scenarios with and for regional stakeholders (regulator, industries, knowledge institutes, nongovernmental organizations, coastal communities) using a trans-disciplinary approach and expertise.
**Study Aim**
The study aims to model carrying capacity and risk-based multicriterial decision support Knowledge transfer format for the coproduction of macroalgae within designated sea space areas for wind farms in the German North Sea.
The key objective is to create a novel impact assessment framework to support decision-makers.
The project's main activities are:
- Conduct transdisciplinary research on Northern Germany’s mussel farming sector in order to analyse current technologies and assess the potential for the introduction of new, suitable technologies.
- Conduct stakeholder mappings, plan, and carry out focus groups and manage stakeholder consultation processes.
- Create novel “co-production” and Knowledge transfer formats to increase the applicability and uptake of your research.
- During your studentship time, you will participate in the following tasks.
- Assist in carrying out North Sea site and system (wind farm multiuse sea space, species coproduction, environmental, oceanography, biochemistry, coastal community, system regulation, conservation, biodiversity, and climate) data collection, and information.
- Recording, execution, and evaluation of North Sea and wind farm multiuse site data with the study aims to model carrying capacity and risk-based multicriterial decision support Knowledge transfer format for the coproduction of macroalgae within designated sea space areas for wind farms in the German North Sea.
- Assist to participate in sampling campaigns to determine growth performance nutrient transport, and spatial planning (if required).
- Independent work, responsible handling of the site information and species
- Ability to work in a team, good cooperation and communication, organization, and documentation skills.
- Proficient in English and German
- Experience in fieldwork, the North Sea site, species, water quality, graphic drawing, and GIS would be an advantage.
- We are looking for student assistants interested to pursue bachelor's and master's theses (marine aquaculture, biotechnology, ocean food systems, marine technology) to assist during our technology assessment, coproduction and Knowledge transfer format creation, and stakeholder mapping (starting in early September).
- You will be involved in the gathering of site information, statistical data analysis, graphic drawing, special investigation, sampling, and laboratory analysis (if required).
**Further Information**
The place of employment will be
**Bremerhaven, 27570.**
Section / Working group: Shelf Sea Ecology / Marine Aquaculture Working Group (Ocean Food System)
Start: As soon as possible
**You are interested?**
Also for further information please contact
** Prof
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Scientist in High-Resolution Sea Ice Modeling
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