Bioinformatics Specialist
Vor 5 Tagen
- Implement bioinformatics and statistical analyses of next-generation sequencing data (e.g. bulk and single cell RNA-Seq, DNA methylation, ChIP-Seq, HiC, ATAC-Seq, etc.)
- Develop and maintain pipelines for processing multiple types of next generation sequencing (NGS) data
- Work closely with wet bench researchers to support data exploration and experimental design
- Summarize and communicate analysis results effectively, help driving conclusions
- Work in close collaboration with IT specialist to manage and maintain necessary software
- Provide workshops on relevant topics
- M.Sc and/or Ph.D. in bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics, or related field.
- Experience with data analysis and visualization and very good level of statistics
- Experience in Bash, R, and Python (Perl and/or C / C++ is a plus)
- Broad experience with NGS and other omics technologies while being focused on biological questions (knowledge about cancer biology & _-omics_ is a plus)
- Proficiency with computer hardware and software including different operating system environments (such as Mac, Windows and UNIX) and High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, schedulers and tools
- Modern software benchmarking, deployment (Conda), and version control (Git)
- Workflow management (Snakemake) and documentation (jupyter notebooks). Knowledge in laboratory information management system (LIMS) is considered as a strong plus
- Strong programming skills and experience in algorithm development (using Python, C++, Java). Experience with analytics on big data sets is a plus.
- Knowledge in machine learning methods, such as predictive modeling, mixed-effect models, multivariate analysis, etc. is considered a strong plus
- Ability to work both independently and collaboratively, and to handle several projects
- Strong communication skills and good command of the English language (knowledge of German is a plus, but not essential).
- Strong problem-solving and collaboration skills and rigorous and creative thinking
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