Senior Manager Produktionsplanung

vor 4 Monaten

Pronsfeld, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland Arla Foods Vollzeit

Arla stellt nicht nur einige der weltweit beliebtesten Milchprodukte her, sondern bietet noch weitaus mehr. Wir schaffen besondere Momente des Genießens und bieten gesundes und schmackhaftes Frühstück, wofür sich das Aufstehen lohnt. Mit Marken wie Arla Buko, Kærgarden, Arla Skyr und Castello sind wir ganz selbstverständlich ein Teil des modernen Lebens in mehr als 100 Ländern weltweit und ein Favorit in vielen deutschen Haushalten.

Unser Werk in Pronsfeld ist mit rund 1.000 Mitarbeitern das größte Werk im Arla-Konzern und insgesamt der zweitgrößte Milchverarbeitungsstandort in Europa überhaupt.

Im Rahmen einer Nachfolgeregelung suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen

Senior Manager Interne Logistik & Produktionsplanung

Pronsfeld in der Eifel

Deine Aufgaben

  • Leitung und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Bereiche Produktionsplanung, Materialbeschaffung, Verpackungsmateriallogistik, Paletten Logistik, SAP Stammdatenpflege sowie dem innerbetrieblichen Transport.
  • Führen, Motivieren und Entwickeln von rund 55 Mitarbeitern (davon 2 Teamleiter) sowie Weiterentwicklung des Teamgedankens.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit den Schnittstellen anderer Funktionen innerhalb der Supply Chain, Global Planning, internationaler Märkte, Lieferanten und deren Optimierung, mit einer End-to-End Betrachtung.
  • Erarbeiten und Anwenden von Konzepten zur ständigen Arbeitssicherheit-, Qualitäts-, Prozess- und Kostenoptimierung des Zuständigkeitsbereichs.

Dein Profil

  • Langjährige Berufs- und Führungserfahrung in einer vergleichbaren Tätigkeit innerhalb eines produzierenden Konsumgüterunternehmens.
  • Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes technisches oder betriebswirtschaftliches Studium, gerne mit Schwerpunkt Logistik, Supply Chain Management oder aber eine abgeschlossenen kaufmännischen / technischen Ausbildung mit gleichem Schwerpunkt.
  • Know-how in verschiedenen Logistikdisziplinen wie Produktionsplanung / Disposition, Bestandsoptimierung sowie Erfahrungen in mindestens einer gängigen Methode der Prozessoptimierung ( Lean, KVP, Kaizen etc.).
  • Du bist ein Organisationstalent, strukturierst Dich und Deine Abläufe und behältst selbst in zeitkritischen Phasen den Überblick.
  • Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsstärke mit internen und externen Ansprechpartnern.
  • Flüssige Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse runden Dein Profil ab.

Bitte bewerbe Dich über unsere Webseite unter Angabe Deines Gehaltswunsches und Deiner Verfügbarkeit. Für weitere Informationen wende Dich bitte an Corina Conen, Interim Manager Recruitment, unter

Equal opportunity

Arla Foods is a company with equal opportunities for everyone regardless of age, race, gender or any other criteria that is not a professional qualification for an open position. Purely for reasons of readability we have chosen to create all our job postings in male format. We explicitly look forward to all applications regardless if the candidate is male, female, diverse and will also exclude any other criteria from our screening process that is not professional qualification.

Agency disclaimer

Arla Foods Deutschland has chosen carefully selected external vendors ("Headhunter") to work on specific roles and we hold long term working relationship with them. Arla Foods Deutschland is not seeking any new partners until further notice. Therefore we are asking you to refrain from any contact requests by phone, e-mail or in any other way towards any Arla Foods representatives. Please note that all candidate resumes that are send to us without a written and signed search assignment will be deemed made available free of costs.

English version below

Arla not only produces some of the world's favourite dairy products, but also offers much more. We create special moments of indulgence and offer healthy and tasty breakfasts that are worth getting up for. With brands such as Arla Buko, Kærgarden, Arla Skyr and Castello, we are a natural part of modern life in more than 100 countries worldwide and a favourite in many German households.

With around 1,000 employees, our plant in Pronsfeld is the largest plant in the Arla Group and the second largest milk processing site in Europe.

As part of a succession plan, we are looking to recruit a

Senior Manager Internal Logistics & Production Planning

Pronsfeld in the Eifel region

Your tasks

  • Managing and continuously developing the areas of production planning, material procurement, packaging material logistics, pallet logistics, SAP master data maintenance and internal transport.
  • Leading, motivating and developing around 55 employees (including 2 team leaders) and further developing the team concept.
  • Collaboration with the interfaces of other functions within the supply chain, global planning, international markets, suppliers and their optimisation, with an end-to-end view.
  • Developing and applying concepts for continuous work safety, quality, process and cost optimisation in the area of responsibility.

Your profile

  • Many years of professional and management experience in a comparable position within a manufacturing consumer goods company.
  • Successfully completed technical or business studies, preferably with a focus on logistics, supply chain management or a completed commercial / technical training with the same focus.
  • Know-how in various logistics disciplines such as production planning / scheduling, inventory optimisation as well as experience in at least one common method of process optimisation (Lean, CIP, Kaizen etc.).
  • You have a talent for organisation, structure yourself and your processes and maintain an overview even in time-critical phases.
  • Strong communication skills with internal and external contacts.
  • Fluent German and English round off your profile.

Please apply via our website stating your desired salary and availability. For further information, please contact Corine Conen, Interim Manager Recruitment, at Please indicate how you heard about this vacancy.

Equal opportunity

Arla Foods is a company with equal opportunities for everyone regardless of age, race, gender or any other criteria that is not a professional qualification for an open position. Purely for reasons of readability we have chosen to create all our job postings in male format. We explicitly look forward to all applications regardless if the candidate is male, female, diverse and will also exclude any other criteria from our screening process that is not professional qualification.

Agency disclaimer

Arla Foods Deutschland has chosen carefully selected external vendors ("Headhunter") to work on specific roles and we hold long term working relationship with them. Arla Foods Deutschland is not seeking any new partners until further notice. Therefore we are asking you to refrain from any contact requests by phone, e-mail or in any other way towards any Arla Foods representatives. Please note that all candidate resumes that are send to us without a written and signed search assignment will be deemed made available free of costs.

We have a purpose for Good

At Arla, we strive to unlock the highest potential in each other while working together to create a sustainable future of dairy. We call it Stronger People Stronger Planet and it is deeply anchored in our organisation and founded on our commitment to respecting human rights, increasing access to healthy dairy nutrition, inspiring good food habits, and improving the environment for future generations. In order to succeed we need to hire people with a sustainable mindset. Could this be you?

It has come to our attention that there are a number of fraudulent emails and fake recruitment campaigns on the internet from people purporting to work for Arla Foods. Learn more via this link.


Ref.: 93233