University Professor

vor 4 Monaten

Österreich, Deutschland Technische Universität Wien Vollzeit

TU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching, and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". At the Institute of Information Systems Engineering of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, the position of a University Professor (all genders) for the specialist field of «Programming Languages and Compilers» with permanent (full-time) contractual employment is expected to be filled as of October 1, 2025.

This professorship position is regulated by § 98 of the 2002 Universities Act (UG), and has been allocated in TU Wien's development plan to the focal area Information & Communication Technology.

This cross-cutting nature of Programming Languages and Compilers and a strong focus of our Faculty on collaboration and interdisciplinarity, evidenced by numerous joint initiatives, research projects, and doctoral colleges, opens up the opportunity to closely collaborate with our internationally renowned researchers. Moreover, the Faculty of Informatics has an international student body and a large pool of talented graduate students.

National and regional funding agencies such as the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) provide the opportunity to acquire funding in addition to international funding agencies and the generous resources offered by the Faculty of Informatics to the successful applicant.

The faculty seeks to hire a strong candidate with an outstanding research and teaching record in Programming Languages and Compilers, who will establish an internationally leading research group at TU Wien.

Besides research, the duties of a Full Professor at the TU Wien include graduate and undergraduate teaching (in English and German) as well as contributing to usual management and faculty service tasks.

Completed doctoral or PhD studies in the field of Computer Science or a related area from a domestic or equivalent foreign university or research institution
Qualification for teaching (venia docendi) acquired at a domestic or equivalent foreign university or an academic qualification recognizable as being equivalent to the venia docendi
Outstanding scientific reputation, proven by publications in internationally prestigious scientific conferences and journals, patents, awards, scientific lectures, editorial and scientific expert work, organization of conferences, etc.
Excellent reputation as an active member of the international scientific community
Experience in the acquisition, execution, and management of research projects
Pedagogical skills for academic teaching in German and English
In case there is no adequate knowledge of German, willingness to quickly learn German is presupposed for teaching in bachelor programs and participating in the management of the institute and the faculty as well as in university bodies
Experience in the supervision of scientific work of students, such as bachelor, diploma and master theses as well as dissertations
Social and gender competence as well as experienced in the promotion of young researchers and the advancement of underrepresented students/colleagues/employees
Attractive compensation combined with a supplemental retirement benefit program sponsored by the employer and further benefits (see also: Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)
equipment endowment/start-up funds)
Permanent funding for supporting research and teaching
Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.

Classification in the A1 category of the collective bargaining agreement for employees of universities and a full-time minimum salary of EUR 89.Furthermore, on top of the employee benefit fund, a company pension scheme will be set up for employees, depending on the duration of their employment, with the result that personnel benefits will increase. A higher salary depending on qualifications and experience is subject of appointment negotiations as well as detailed information about benefits.

Applications in English must include at least the following documents:

Presentation of previous academic activities including a list of research and development projects carried out and of funding/grants raised (volume, duration, funding body, etc.), a list of patents, awards, editorial and scientific expert work, organized conferences, etc., as well as a list of lecturing and teaching activities evidenced by a list of the university courses held so far, a list of supervised scientific works of students (such as bachelor theses, master theses as well as doctoral theses), and a list of invited lectures
Research and teaching concept with considerations on the future positioning and further development of the field of Programming Languages and Compilers (3-5 pages each)
Impact outside of academia - describe impacts and benefits of your research and related activities outside of academia, such as commercial and societal outcomes